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Image by Victor Freitas

Welcome to Bodied by Buford

I'm Coach Helen! 

My name is Helen and I am a service member, personal trainer, and motivated coach ready to help you on your fitness journey! I am always seeking training and movement certifications that can help me lead you on a successful journey of holistic health and wellness.

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Image by Ivan Pergasi


Fit Man



Personal Training Programs

Image by Brett Jordan

How it all Started

My name is Helen, and I would love the opportunity to help you obtain a realistic and sustainable healthy lifestyle!

​Everyone’s wellness journey starts off on a path of trials, little accomplishments, low days, and huge milestones! The journey is all about what you make of it and the harder you work the more fulfilling and appreciative you are of accomplishing your goals! My wellness journey started in 2014 with joining the military. I worked for months in order to lose the minimum 10lbs I needed to in order to attend basic training. I went from 190lbs pre-Army to 146lbs by the time I finished Basic Combat Training. I worked hard for months, did everything expected of me and then some and ended up obtaining a healthier and better functioning body that I had no idea existed. I promised myself from that point on that I would educate myself and train safely and efficiently to accomplish the goals that I kept setting for myself. Eventually I decided that all that knowledge and experience I was gaining may be beneficial to someone else. For years I’ve worked with and trained soldiers inside and outside of my organizations, I became a certified personal trainer to help individuals outside the military and I continue to take as many courses as I can to better myself, my clients, and fellow soldiers to establish a healthy and pain free lifestyle!

My Certifications

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

NASM Certified Wellness Coach

NASM Nutrition Coach

NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist

Functional Kettlebell Training

Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification

Russian Kettlebell Certification

YogaFit Instructor

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